I read about SMART goals so much growing up, and I just thought it was another random strategy that couldn’t possibly work… well… turns out I have been doing it the past few years in various ways and… it does! Who-da-thunk-it!

So SMART is an acronym of the elements you need of a goal to get it done, and done right! I’ll talk you through the different steps along with my experience recently when I was learning to read music.

✅ Specific🔥 Be clear about the specific outcome you want from reaching your goal💜 FOR ME: Reading a chart (I had old ones to work from) after glancing at it for a few seconds, then the song starting and me playing it perfectly and in a way that didn’t SOUND like I was reading.

✅ Measurable🔥 Find a way to measure and assess your progress💜 FOR ME: Once a month I would ‘test’ myself with the previous charts, record myself and listen back to hear how well I had done, and if it SOUNDED like I was reading.

✅ Accountability🔥 Share your goal with someone else or have a way to hold yourself accountable to reaching this goal💜 FOR ME: I had a room full of musicians at the end of this goal who I would be letting down if I didn’t get it done.

✅ Realistic🔥 Make sure that your goal stretches you, but is attainable and realistic💜 FOR ME: I knew I could achieve this in the time I had and with the time I dedicated daily to achieving my goal.

✅ Time-Sensitive🔥 Give your goal a deadline, and if you can, have something booked in at the deadline to create more leverage💜 FOR ME: I had a set of rehearsals at the end of a 3 month period, so I could plan accordingly with an hour a day to ease in, up to 3 hours a day leading up to the final weeks, just to MAKE SURE I WAS READY!

✅ THIS WORKS! So if you’re serious about reaching a goal, follow these steps, commit, and let me know how you get on!

Sending you lots of love 💜 💜 💜

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