Supercharge Your Social Media

There’s no getting around it, social media is now a huge part of our lives, and not only that, how the world perceives us. The last thing we want is to look lame, incompetent, or even worse, just have no one see us at all! But how can you supercharge your social media presence? Social […]

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My Top Productivity Hacks!

Imagine never having to type out your email address on a form ever again, flying through emails in a fraction of the usual time, and having social media captions with hashtags in seconds. I am someone who is obsessed with doing things in the most effective way possible, and I can’t stand the idea of […]

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Keeping Energy Levels Up

It’s especially hard at the moment, especially if you’re not used to working from home right now. So let me share how I keep my energy levels up, and fatigue to a minimum 🙂 25 Minutes Of Focused Work Take a 5 Minute Break(I do some bodyweight exercises, yoga stretches, or just dance around to […]

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I read about SMART goals so much growing up, and I just thought it was another random strategy that couldn’t possibly work… well… turns out I have been doing it the past few years in various ways and… it does! Who-da-thunk-it! So SMART is an acronym of the elements you need of a goal to […]

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